Among the many alternative medicines used to cure or prevent diseases, chromotherapy stands out from all others because of its ability to treat ailments through a cure of colours. If in the United States and in Asian countries such as China or India it has long been used to awaken the mental, psychic and spiritual faculties, in France and in Europe, it is only now that people are interested in its concept. To practice chromotherapy, several supports can be used, including clothing, tapestries, jewelry, dyes or others. All that is needed is for these supports to adopt a therapeutic colour. What are the health benefits of this modern therapy? And how do you choose the right colour to use for a successful colour therapy?

Chromotherapy: definition and operating principle

It's not always easy to know what chromotherapy is. Therefore, before discussing the health benefits of this modern therapy, it would be appropriate to give some explanations about its definition and its operating principle. Chromotherapy comes from the composition of two words: chromo and therapy. "Chromo" means colour and therapy means "means to heal". Chromotherapy is therefore an alternative medicine that aims to cure or prevent diseases based on the projection of colours. By perceiving these colours, the body can easily relax to encourage all cells to fight a disease or pathology. Chromotherapy is inherited from Chinese culture. Indeed, the use of colours for physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being goes back many centuries in China and India. Its operating principle is based on the way each colour uses to influence the body. Indeed, each colour provides a specific wavelength capable of treating a specific part of the body. Apart from the eyes, which are naturally sensitive to variations in colour, the skin can also perceive and interpret the different signals sent back by the colours. Assembled with light, each colour exerts electromagnetic vibrations capable of regulating the biology of the body without constraint and very gently.

A scientific explanation of the benefits of colour

In order to determine whether colours really have an impact on the treatment of diseases of the body, we can rely on Einstein's intellectual work and scientific explanations for understanding chromotherapy. In the famous energy equation: E = mc2, Einstein demonstrates that matter and energy are two elements from a single universal substance. The level of vibration of a substance characterizes its shape and density to constitute matter. A substance vibrating slowly is referred to as physical matter and a substance vibrating at a speed similar to light is considered to be subtle matter or pure light energy. Light, on the other hand, is defined as electromagnetic radiation, a kind of fluctuation of combined magnetic and electric fields. In simple terms, therefore, light is energy, and the emission of colour is simply the result of the combination of matter and energy. Each colour emits a wavelength, a frequency and a quantity of energy that is sensitive to the skin and eyes. And since the body cannot separate itself from the energy and electromagnetic system of the universe, it can only be impacted by the emission of colours. From this point of view, the use of colour therapy to treat various everyday ailments is scientifically proven.

The benefits of chromotherapy on health

Chromotherapy has unquestionably beneficial effects on an individual's health on a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level. To this day, many patients and therapists attest to its overall health benefits. This shower medicine influences the nervous, physiological and psychological system in a positive way. It presents a therapy that helps to avoid intellectual overwork, promote happiness and joy, achieve tranquility, fight against depression, stress, physical ailments, lower blood pressure. It also stimulates the sensory perception of the body for a better quality of sleep and a more energizing and invigorating physical, mental and emotional capacity. Depending on the type of chromotherapy, specific health effects can be perceived. Light chromotherapy is used in projection on parts of the body by coloured light targeting or acupuncture points. Molecular chromotherapy exploits colours more physically by discreetly associating itself with homeopathic practices. Today, the latest technological innovations allow the creation of our own light sources in the home, for example with shower heads emitting colours or coloured light centres all over the place.

Choosing the ideal colour for your colour cure

Each colour emits different vibrations and is therefore used for different therapeutic purposes. Some have neutralizing, balancing and cleansing properties while others promote healing, protection and regeneration of cells. Other colours are also used in chromotherapy for their calming, sedative, dispersing, energizing and toning properties. Although there is a wide range of colours, we will focus on the benefits of the 7 colours of the rainbow. Red stimulates liver functions, blood circulation and calms bronchitis and various rheumatisms. Orange is a cheerful colour that has considerable benefits for the respiratory system, fixes calcium and is an effective anti-fatigue. Yellow is a colour that is able to treat digestive problems, lack of muscle tone and eczema. It is also an anti-fatigue and anti-melancholy. Offering antibiotic and anti-allergic virtues, green represents the colour of independence, nature, freedom and learning. It is used to stimulate the balance of the body, strengthen sight, relieve ulcers, calm nervousness and as a sedative. Blue is used as a colour cure for sleep disorders, migraine and stress. Indigo is used to resolve disorders of smell, sight and hearing and purple, the colour of hope treats mild mental disorders.
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